Rhine-Alpine News
Liguria, Eusalp, Europe: Mobility perspectives to 2050

Source: Regione Liguria
Regione Liguria invites to the event “Liguria, Eusalp, Europe: Mobility perspectives to 2050” taking place on 13 October 2022. The event aims to be part of the calendar of events of the annual Presidency of the Alpine Macro-regional Strategy EUSALP assumed by the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano and wants to put at the center of the debate the evolution of sustainable mobility in the EUSALP area, but not only that, to the horizon of 2050, date in which, for objective communitarian, is previewed the full decarbonisation of Europe (Law on the Climate, package Fit455). The programme offers an introductory session including institutional greetings, followed by a strategies and tools session “The green and smart turning point in mobility and transport. Further, two roundtables “Mobility in 2050: how will we move?” and “Eusalp region: which perspectives for mobility?” will round up the event.
Registrations are possible under https://forms.gle/aTitgRC3yhHqJ9tu8
4th PLANET General Assembly meeting

Source: PLANET Project
PLANET 4th General Assembly meeting took place on the 4-5 October 2022, following a hybrid format. This meeting, hosted by Lukasiewicz Research Network – Poznań Institute of Technology, was divided in two days and was attended by over 45 participants. The first day of the event covered the cloud deployment of EGTN logistics services, followed by an interactive session dedicated to facilitating the Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA), by identifying and prioritizing key stakeholders in “International Corridor”, “Hubs/ Warehouse and hinterland transport” and “Last mile delivery” areas along with their respective criteria. The next sessions provided progress insights on the “Integration and Interoperability of proprietary Blockchain Systems”, “EGTN smart contracts and associated PI motivated workflows” and a visual analysis of the developed “Unified Human Machine Interface”. Day one was concluded with a dedicated technical workshop, purposed to further explore the interoperability of the EGTN services based on the workflows described in the project’s business scenarios. The second day was initiated with a simulation-based analysis of new trade routes on the TEN-T and disadvantaged regions along with the effect of ICT innovation technologies and how EU legislation and policy can accelerate and enhance EGTN’s impact. The second part of the day, started with a presentation of GS1 standards and they value and then driven by two workshops focused to validate how briefing sheets, policy guides and case studies are organized and elaborating the roadmap toward PI.
See more: https://www.planetproject.eu/news-events/2022/10/4th-planet-general-assembly-meeting/
Franco-German Focus Group Hydrogen Ecosystem along the Rhine

Source: DENA
On 21 September 2022, the Franco-German Energy Platform conducted a Focus Group on hydrogen ecosystems along the Rhine. The event took place in cooperation with the Regional Council of Grand Est and comprised around 50 stakeholders from France, Germany and Switzerland. The aim of the event was to examine the potential of developing geographic clusters for production and consumption of hydrogen (‘ecosystems’) along the Rhine. After discussing the status quo of hydrogen network planning and initiatives for regional ecosystems, participants exchanged on potential format and focus of a joint cross-border approach. One of the main take-aways of the event was that the Rhine-Alpine Corridor with its industrial centers and multimodal transport routes has high potential for the development of hydrogen ecosystems. There is considerable project activity in the region. Simultaneously, many companies are still hesitant to transition their business models to hydrogen given the considerable investments and uncertainty regarding the development of market and infrastructure. The Franco-German Energy Platform will conduct follow-up discussions with stakeholders on how to continue the process. The objective is a framework for integrating the activities of the Platform with the Interreg project initiative of the EGTC. Within that framework, scope and design of a joint hydrogen roadmap will be discussed. Presentations and a summary of the event are available here: https://nextcloud.dena.de/index.php/s/e2PFJL88TmiRq44?