The EGTC was founded in April 2015. It counts 25 members today. The Assembly of all EGTC members is the decision making body of the EGTC. It elects a Chair and two Vice Chairs, and appoints the Director. The Chairs and the Director form the Managing Committee of the EGTC. On working level an Expert Working Group has been established with six thematic focus groups under its umbrella. The Advisory Board consisting of representatives from science and research, economy, logistics enterprises and railway operators supports the EGTC activities.
The Assembly consisting of all current member organisations elected a Chair and two Vice Chairs for the third election period until 2027.

Paolo Palamiti
Head of Assolombarda Brussels Liaison Office (IT)

Dr. Matthias Proske
Vice Chair
Association Director, Regionalverband Mittlerer Oberrhein (DE)

Frederik Zevenbergen
Vice Chair
Regional Minister of the province of Zuid-Holland (NL)
The Assembly appointed Dr. Cecilia Braun as a Director of the EGTC from 2022 on. The Director is responsible for daily management of the activities of the EGTC, supported by the Secretariat which lead is also under her responsibility.

Dr. Cecilia Braun
The main objective of the EGTC is to facilitate and promote the territorial cooperation among its members and to jointly strengthen and coordinate the territorial and integrated development of the multimodal Rhine-Alpine Corridor from the regional and local perspective.
The objectives and tasks of the EGTC as agreed by the founding members are:
- Combining and focusing the joint interests of its members towards national, European and infrastructure institutions
Organisation and implementation of joint lobbying activities for the development of the Rhine-Alpine Corridor from a bottom up perspective
Representation of the EGTC members in the EU Rhine-Alpine Corridor Forum - Evolution of the joint development strategy for the multimodal Rhine-Alpine Corridor
Coordination of regional development in the Rhine-Alpine Corridor, taking into account local and regional perspectives
Consideration of transport infrastructure projects and land use conflicts along the Rhine-Alpine Corridor - Directing funds to corridor related activities and projects
Information to EGTC-members about funding opportunities for corridor related projects
Application of EU-funded new projects (EGTC‘s are directly eligible for EU-funding) and joint management of EU-funds - Improving the visibility and promotion of the Corridor
Organisation of corridor events (congresses, workshops, etc.)
Elaboration and distribution of publications (newsletters, leaflets, brochures) - Providing a central platform for mutual information, exchange of experience and encounter
Organisation of meetings of members
Ensuring information transfer
Taking charge of the Corridor Information System, developed within the project CODE24
Maintaining the website
Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC
Convention of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation “Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC” is based on Regulation (EU) No 1302/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 amending Regulation (EC) No 1082/2006 on a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC). The Convention is completed by the Statutes.
of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation “Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC”
of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation “Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC”
The Purpose of an EGTC
According to the European Commission’s “REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL The application of the Regulation (EC) No 1082/2006 on a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) “, COM(2011) 462 final, the purpose of the EGTC Instrument is as follows:
“Member States and, in particular, regional and local authorities encountered significant difficulties when trying to implement programmes for territorial cooperation because of differing national laws and procedures and the increase in the number of land and maritime borders in the Community following its enlargements of 2004 and 2007.
Existing instruments on cooperation within the European Union, such as the European economic interest grouping (EEIG), are primarily aimed at cooperation between economic operators rather than public authorities. In addition, the structures proposed by the Council of Europe for regional and local authorities to cooperate across borders were not endorsed throughout the whole European Union. In this context, the EGTC was created at European level as a legal instrument which contributes to territorial cooperation across national borders by providing a directly applicable and lasting European basis for actions. All Member States implement the EGTC Regulation in full. The establishment of an EGTC is optional and the EGTC Regulation does not prevent any institution from freely choosing other forms or formulas for territorial cooperation, with or without legal personality. The EGTC was developed to make territorial cooperation more strategic but – at the same time – more flexible and simple. An EGTC should reduce the difficulties encountered by Member States and, in particular, by regional and local authorities in implementing and managing cooperation activities in the context of differing national laws and procedures.”
Port of Rotterdam Authority
The Port of Rotterdam Authority is very happy to continue the cooperation with current and new partners in the EGTC Rhine-Alpine. Local and regional cooperation is very important and necessary in order to keep – and improve one of the busiest corridors in Europe functioning. It’s not just the ship arriving in a seaport, but even more important are effective and sustainable hinterland connections and dialogue with European citizens. Transporting goods and adding to European value doesn’t stop at country borders and therefore cooperation is a key success factor.
Provincie Gelderland
Gelderland is in between the metropolitan areas Randstad Holland in the Netherlands and the Rhine-Ruhr area in Germany and on the lower parts of the Rhine. Key issues are transport and logistics, economic opportunities, environmental issues connected with this, our fantastic nature, but also the permanent risk of flooding. And it all needs an integrated policy approach. Together with other authorities in the Rhine-Alpine Corridor we will work on common developments, projects and on European strategies that benefit our inhabitants.
Provincie Zuid-Holland
The Province of Zuid-Holland is an important economic region in the Netherlands with 3.5 million inhabitants, two main cities Rotterdam and Den Haag, Greenports and the Port of Rotterdam. This port is the largest in Europe and therefore important not only for the Netherlands, but for the whole of Europe. Zuid-Holland has a key position in three TEN-T corridors, including the Rhine-Alpine corridor. Cooperation with the members of the EGTC is self-evident!
As a Dutch region, bordering the German Land of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Venlo Region forms the central link between the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp and the German Ruhr area. The region focuses on road, water and rail transport and innovative and sustainable solutions on the TEN-T corridor. By joining the EGTC and actively participating in projects and developments, the Venlo region will contribute to strengthening the TEN-T transport network Rhine-Alpine.
Duisburger Hafen AG
The Rhine-Alpine Corridor is the most important European transport axis and connects the most successful economic regions in Europe with each other. duisport is the leading logistics hub in Central Europe and represents one of the major nodes along this corridor. As a member of EGTC we will actively strive to strengthen and further develop this transport axis.
Stadt Mainz
Mainz is an important hub in the metropolitan region of FrankfurtRheinMain when it comes to private and railway traffic as well as to water-borne transport. By becoming a member of the EGTC, the city hopes to be able to join actively in the work of mastering the public and goods traffic most advantageously for its inhabitants and the environment. To achieve this goal, the city of Mainz focusses especially on innovative and sustainable solutions within the environmental compound system.
Regionalverband FrankfurtRheinMain
All regions and municipalities along the Corridor benefit from the Corridor’s strengths and are affected by the Corridor’s impacts. As a result these specific regional and local interests do not per se coincide with those pursed by rail operators and national governments. The EGTC offers a platform where the regional and local stakeholders’ voice will be better heard at European and national level and through the bundling of actors who share similar interests. Common statements on corridor relevant issues is one essential option.
Verband Region Rhein-Neckar
The Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region is centrally located within the Rhine-Alpine Corridor. Our region is characterized by important transport infrastructure on rail, road and waterways as well as by a dynamic logistics sector. The future development of the Corridor is thus of vital interest for our region. We emphasize the need for close cooperation and a coordinated way of realizing the joint interests of the regional and local actors in the Corridor; the EGTC is the adequate form for achieving this.
Stadt Mannheim
Port of Strasbourg
The port of Strasbourg is the 2nd French inland port and a major hub for multimodal transport in the central TEN-T- Network. Strasbourg is the only European city positioned on 4 European transport corridors: North Sea-Mediterranean, Rhine-Alpine, Rhine-Danube and Atlantic. Engaged in several cooperation initiatives for efficient and sustainable multimodal transport in the Rhine-Alpine corridor, the Port of Strasbourg fully supports the integrated approach of the EGTC Rhine-Alpine.
Stadt Karlsruhe
As a member of the EGTC Rhine-Alpine Corridor, the City of Karlsruhe is able to effectively carry its transport-related concerns in cooperation with the partners along the corridor, especially with the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion and the Regional Planning Association Middle Upper Rhine, on the national and European level and draw the attention of the European Commission particularly to the regions along the corridor. The membership within the EGTC creates synergies with the Initiative “Main Line for Europe” and offers new possibilities to strengthen the connection of Karlsruhe in interregional transport infrastructure, to strengthen the transport system rail and to acquire new opportunities for European funding. Additionally the City of Karlsruhe emphasises through its membership the particular importance of cross-border and European cooperation, thus boosting its international profile.
Regionalverband Mittlerer Oberrhein
Regionalverband Südlicher Oberrhein
The EGTC offers the floor to work together transnational with partners from urban and regional planning, science and economy at the complex topic of rail infrastructure. The EGTC offers the opportunity to bundle the common interests of the members against national and European institutions. The Regionalverband Südlicher Oberrhein intends to extend the issue of noise protection in rail transport to European level.
Stadt Lahr
We might seem tiny, but are driven by a grand vision. We want to find shortcuts in a Europe of decreasing distances. The Region of Lahr is of an exceptional beauty. In view of growing traffic and commodity flows we want to develop this region for the benefit of efficiency but not at the expense of quality.
Kanton Basel-Stadt
Regione Piemonte
Regione Piemonte joins the EGTC believing that a common bottom-up strategic initiative increases the opportunities for the involved partners to improve the transport services. Regione Piemonte joins the EGTC because it is a key means of improving the European integration starting from the needs of local communities. Regione Piemonte joins the EGTC because it is a way of exchange experiences, knowledge, best practices and using them to create and finance common projects.
The participation at the Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC is very important for the entire system of the Chambers of commerce affected by the passage of this European corridor. The presence of Uniontrasporti is a conduit for the Chambers of commerce to understand, discuss, encourage and lobbying in Europe in the field of infrastructure, transport and logistics. Join the EGTC it is central for the interests of economic and business areas crossed by the corridor Rhine-Alpine, provide to the EGTC skills and know-how on different themes (corridors, freight, logistics, etc.), provide the Italian contribution to the completion of the north-south, through a common strategy, initiated through the Corridor.
Regione Liguria
The regional infrastructural system is crucial at Italian and European levels. Liguria and its maritime ports have represented the Mediterranean gateway to Europe for freight and passenger transport over the centuries. At present, the territory continues to play a key role in the Mediterranean Basin and in the Trans-European Transport Network, as important core and comprehensive urban nodes and infrastructures are located in Liguria: the urban nodes of Genoa, La Spezia and Savona-Vado are part of the European network; the airport of Genoa, the maritime ports of Genoa and La Spezia and the rail-road terminal of Vado are included in the European core network; the port of Savona-Vado is in the comprehensive network. In this context, Liguria Region aims to improve the infrastructural system and the transport sustainability, in order to increase the regional economic development. As a result, Liguria Region participates actively to the EGTC initiative as it represents an opportunity and is coherent with the regional economic development and infrastructure strategies.
Regione Lombardia
The great number of logistics settlements and freight operators, the necessity of efficient network of connections along the whole North-South corridor Rotterdam-Genoa, the goal to ensure dynamic commercial exchanges by improving the infrastructural system, inside and outside the regional borders, all these factors have already led to cooperate with the neighbouring countries to share freight transport policies. Becoming a member of EGTC Rhine-Alpine for Regione Lombardia is a good opportunity to enlarge the cooperation on European stage and to go further in attractiveness, accessibility and economic development.
Ports of Genoa
Metropolregion Rheinland
Provincie Limburg
Comune di Novara
Provincie Noord-Brabant
Noord-Brabant is a province in the south of the Netherlands with motto Region of High Tech & High Touch. With a population density of 501 / km², Noord-Brabant is urbanised above average within in total over 2.5 Million inhabitants. The larger cities are Breda, Tilburg, Eindhoven, Helmond and ‘s-Hertogenbosch. The province takes initiatives on an economic, social and cultural level and coordinates actions. The province is primarily responsible for spatial development, accessibility and mobility for the region, regional economic policy, culture and regional identity. In relation to TEN-T we have ambitions on passenger and freight rail, truck parking, inland waterways and harbours, multi-modal nodes and sustainable and smart mobility. Within the SmartwayZ.NL programme have four priorities in deployment of sustainable and smart mobility: Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), CCAM and MaaS as part of SmartwayZ.NL, future-proof public transport, high speed inter-urban cycling roads and urban logistics.
Citta Metropolitana di Milano
“The Metropolitan City of Milan (MCM), as a governmental body of second level, plays a key role in spatial planning and coordination of economic development with important functions in transport and mobility, both for passengers and goods. In recent years, several challenges have been faced throughout a successfull approval process of the SUMP and the Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan. This includes addressing issues related to local public transport, freight transport, and the geolocation of logistics metro-hubs coherently with regional, national and EU perspectives. Furthermore, the metropolitan area of Milan lies in a strategical intersection between the Mediterranean Corridor and the North-Sea-Rhine-Mediterranean one. The area with its infrastructures has a crucial role in the TEN-T: Milan is indeed acknowledged as a node of the Core Network and the three milanese airports (Linate, Malpensa and Orio Al Serio) are all part of it. For these reasons, being a member of the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC is a great opportunity to strengthen the cross-border cooperation with the goal of gathering an added value in planning of transport policies and coordinating the local authorities.”
Join us!
Become a member of the EGTC Rhine-Alpine Corridor.