Analysis and quantification of the contribution of FENIX Project to environmental sustainability
What are the benefits that a public administration could have in connecting to the FENIX network?
De missie van de EGTS is het faciliteren en het promoten van regionale en lokale samenwerking tussen haar leden om zo de gezamenlijke en geïntegreerde ontwikkelingen binnen de Rijn-Alphen Corridor te coördineren en te versterken.
Analysis and quantification of the contribution of FENIX Project to environmental sustainability
What are the benefits that a public administration could have in connecting to the FENIX network?
H2 Study – Development of a hydrogen ecosystem and supply chain along the Rhine-Alpine Corridor
Collection and integrated analysis of national, regional and project specific plans and strategies for transport related H2 infrastructure
3 Key Issues for the Rhine‐Alpine Corridor in the TEN-T revision
Position Paper of the EGTC on the TEN-T Revision Proposal
Roadmap Towards a Carbon Neutral Rhine-Alpine Corridor
The outline of the roadmap proposes several steps to accelerate the development of a strategy to significantly step up efforts to green the Rhine-Alpine Corridor in order to attain climate change goals, as set in the European Green Deal
sneller, minder overstappen, meer treinen
Potential, Strategies and Concrete Measures
New Insights and Challenges for Action on the Rhine-Alpine Corridor Rail Network
January 2018 – March 2019