Rhine-Alpine News


Antwerp: MSC company train to Vienna

Symbolic photo (MSC): Intermodal company train

Symbolic photo (MSC): Intermodal company train

The port of Antwerp is now connected to Vienna by an intermodal train, operating four times per week exclusively for MSC shipping line, and carrying overseas container. The detailed statement by MSC Austria can be found here (external link). It shows a strong commitment to transport via the North Sea ports.

To MSC, the location of Vienna and the rest of Austria makes Trieste a natural choice for traffic to and from the Far East. Nevertheless, the new Antwerp train helps with connections to and from all the rest of the world. This train uses the Rhine-Alpine corridor between Antwerp and the Frankfurt area.

Rhine-Alpine Talks on 16 April: “Inland navigation”

We kindly invite you to the “Rhine-Alpine Talks” #8 on 16 April 2021, 11am – 12.30pm. It will deal with the topic “The Unlocked Potential of Inland Navigation to Green Rhine-Alpine Corridor”.

Find the agenda and register for this meeting!

EGTC Rhine-Alpine: Vacancy available for project officer

In the name of the EGTC Rhine-Alpine, the town of Lahr, the Chamber of Commerce Südlicher Oberrhein and the Regionalverband Südlicher Oberrhein invite you to the online workshop „Förderung multimodaler Güterverkehre entlang des Oberrheins als Kernbereich des Rhein-Alpen-Korridors“ on 22 April, 14:00 – 16:00. This workshop is held in German language and especially targets the regional logistics operators and logistics industry.

Find the program here and register here for individual, non-transferable links.


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