04.04.2024 12 - 5:30 pm
19th EGTC Assembly and Strategy Workshop
Taking place on April 4th in the House of Dutch Provinces, Brussels, with EGTC Members and Advisory Board Members
In line with our discussions during the Managing Committee Meeting in December and subsequent dialogues, we are pleased to confirm the schedule for the 19th EGTC Assembly and accompanying Strategy Workshop with Members and Advisory Board Members. This session is aligned with the Connecting Europe Days (CED) in Brussels, taking into consideration the availability of most members and advisors.
Date: Thursday, 4th April 2024
Venue: 4th Floor Auditorium, House of the Dutch Provinces, Rue de Trèves 59-61, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium
12:00 – 13:00 Arrival with coffee and light lunch
13:00 – 15:00 Strategy Workshop with the Advisory Board
15:00 – 15:30 Break
15:30 – 17:30 Assembly Meeting
17:30 End and Apéro
19:00 – 22:00 Networking Dinner of CED (Registration must be done separately via the CED portal)
The assembly is strategically scheduled after the RH2INE initiative session (09:00-10:30h) and before the Networking Dinner of the CED (18:30-22:00h) on the same day. Additionally, please note that the European Transport Corridor Meetings are scheduled for the following day, Friday, 5th April. e.g. European Transport Corridor Meeting: North Sea-Rhine-Mediterranean
A significant highlight of this assembly will be the Chair and Vice Chair Elections.
We are committed to providing you with a detailed schedule, relevant meeting materials for both the Assembly and the joint meeting/strategy workshop with the Advisory Board well ahead of the event.
Please register for the Strategy Workshop and Assembly below.