02.02.2024 11:00 - 12:30
Rhine-Alpine Talk #16
Shaping the Corridor Strategy from a Regional Perspective
Shaping the Corridor Strategy from a Regional Perspective

This Rhine-Alpine-Talk is focusing on the evolving dynamics of European transport and regional planning. The bottom-up approach of the EGTC enables it to facilitate between regional and macroregional actors and the merits of such a strategy approach will be part of the discussion. Taking place on February 2nd, this event will enable participants to explore the implications of the recent developments in the TEN-T Revision and other fields of transport policies.
Moderation: Dr. Thomas Ertel, Communications Manager, EGTC Rhine-Alpine Corridor
11:00 – 11:05 Welcome/Introduction by Dr. Cecilia Braun, Director, EGTC Rhine-Alpine Corridor
11:05 – 11:25 TEN-T Revision and Corridor Development – an Outlook by Silke Brocks, Deputy Head of Unit of B1/DG Move
11:25 – 11:35 Effects of TEN-T Revision – the regional view by Florian Achleitner, in charge of General Transport Policy, TEN-T, Missing links, Road Transport, Rail Transport, Maritime and Inland Waterways, Aviation, COTER Commission
11:35 – 11:50 Elements for a Corridor Strategy from a Regional Perspective, Dr. Markus Nollert, Co-Managing Director, Urbanista CH
11:50 – 12:20 Discussion: Synthesis of Regional and Macroregional Priorities/Developments with input and insights from EGTC Member Regions and Organisations
12:20 – 12:30 Shaping the future Strategy of the EGTC in TEN-T Context with insights/learnings from Member Regions by Menno Menist, Director, Panteia
Please register by clicking here.
Slight alterations to the programme are possible.