
MultiRELOAD | Port Solutions for Sustainable Mobility

European cooperation for the development of innovative inland port solutions for efficient, effective and sustainable multimodality.

PLANET | Progress towards Federated Logistics through the Integration of TEN-T into A Global Trade Network

PLANET addresses the challenges of assessing the impact of emerging global trade corridors on the TEN-T network and ensuring effective integration of the European to the Global Network by focusing in two key R&D pillars.

FENIX | A European FEderated Network of Information eXchange in LogistiX

FENIX will develop the first European federated architecture for data sharing serving the European logistics community of shippers, logistics service providers, mobility infrastructure providers, cities, and authorities in order to offer interoperability between any individual existing and future platforms.

GREEN AND MULTIMODAL | in the Rhine-Alpine Corridor

Dissemination of the results of EGTC projects and activities on the subject of multimodal transport for SMEs

VITAL NODES | Enable efficient, sustainable freight delivery across the TEN-T urban nodes

Vital Nodes aims to enable efficient, sustainable freight delivery across the TEN-T urban nodes (urban areas), by bringing together existing European, national and regional networks.

RAISE-IT | Rhine-Alpine Integrated and Seamless Travel Chain

The RAISE-IT (Rhine-Alpine Integrated and Seamless Travel Chain) project examined the better integration of long-distance rail with regional and local transport networks along the Rhine-Alpine Corridor, one of the nine Core Network Corridors (CNCs) under the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).

ERFLS | European Rail Freight Line System

The European Rail Freight Line System (ERFLS) Action, developed over the years 2015-2018, successfully investigated the feasibility of the concept of liner intermodal freight trains that make several short stops at a system of terminals along the Rhine-Alpine Corridor, where intermodal units are loaded or unloaded much in the same way as passengers get on and off intercity trains at intermediate stations.


The INTERREG IVB NWE Project “CODE24 – Corridor Development Rotterdam-Genoa” (2010-2015) aimed at a joint integrated approach towards the future development of the TEN-T core network corridor Rhine-Alpine and intended the interconnection of economic development, spatial, transport and ecological planning and thus, addressing urgent conflicts of capacity, sustainability and quality of life along the corridor.

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