Rhine-Alpine News


Information page of the Commission on transport measures

EU-Ukraine Flags, Source: Pixabay

EU-Ukraine Flags, Source: Pixabay

The European Commission collects information on transport measures in connection with the war in Ukraine on a dedicated page: https://transport.ec.europa.eu/ukraine_en. There, information on European transport operators offering free travel by train, bus, ship and plane is available. Further, to keep transport running smoothly, an overview of measures designed to help Member States, transport operators and workers continue transport operations and support the transport of refugees and humanitarian aid shall be available.

Relaunching transport and tourism in the EU after COVID-19- Part VI: Public transport

Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay

This thematic briefing provides the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) with an overview of the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on the public transport sector, as well as policy recommendations to address the challenges emerging from the crisis. Following key areas for EU action are identified in this study:

  1. Public transport stakeholders should define a framework to facilitate stable financing and funding for public transport.
  2. Public transport should take the opportunity to enhance flexibility, service quality and technological tools.
  3. Implementation of public transport-related infrastructural projects in a more systematic way.
  4. Data sharing protocols are expected to ensure the ease of cross-border travel and circulation in foreign countries.

The study at a glance is available here: https://research4committees.blog/2022/03/18/at-a-glance-relaunching-transport-and-tourism-in-the-eu-after-covid-19-part-vi-public-transport/ The full study is available here: https://bit.ly/690-899

Wage dispute: Hundreds of flights are canceled in Germany due to warning strikes

Frankfurt Airport, Source: Pixabay

Frankfurt Airport, Source: Pixabay

Hundreds of connections at German airports were canceled on Tuesday, 22 March 2021 due to a warning strike by security personnel. Frankfurt Airport, the largest in Germany, called on all passengers not to arrive as they cannot catch their flights due to the lack of controls. However, transfer connections should be possible at the most important German hub. So far, 108 connections have been canceled in Frankfurt. The strike also affects the Cologne/Bonn airport in the Rhine-Alpine corridor. Not only cancellations were expected, but also delays and long waiting times.

The labour union Verdi has called on private security services at eight German airports to this warning strike. The background to this is the wage dispute that Verdi is conducting with the Federal Association of Aviation Security Companies. Verdi is calling for wages in aviation security services to be increased by at least one euro per hour. The demands to adjust wages regionally and to standardize wage groups could become more expensive. According to employers, this could mean up to 40 percent more salary for individual employees.

Source (in German): https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/streik-flughafen-verdi-flugausfaelle-1.5552160


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