Rhine-Alpine News
Integrated mobility starts from Piedmont, the Region starts testing MaaS
Source: pexels-andrea-piacquadio-3799205
Piedmont is the first Italian region to test at a regional level MaaS – Mobility as a Service – the new form of integrated ‘on demand’ mobility that brings together different mobility systems, both public and private, in a single platform.
During 4 months – from June to September – 250 Piedmontese citizens will be able to join the BipforMaaS experimentation, which allows, through a single App, to choose the most suitable mobility solution by an integrated system of public and private transport that includes buses, trains, scooters, taxis, parking, as well as car and bike sharing and rental services.
The BipforMaaS App allows to plan, book, use and pay the mobility services already integrated in the app (taxi, scooters, regional railway services, parking), while others (car sharing, car rental and scooter sharing) will be accessible through the purchase of vouchers. Moreover, participants will obtain a cashback equal to 50% of the amount of their trips made in the previous month, up to a maximum of € 15 per month.
The purpose of the experimentation is twofold: on the one hand, it will offer to citizens a completely innovative mobility experience; on the other hand, it will allow to collect information on the mobility habits of Piedmontese users and to identify possible levers to be adopted at the political level in order to encourage a shift towards more sustainable mobility habits.
The initiative is launched by the Piedmont Region with the coordination of its in-house company 5T Srl, in collaboration with the City of Turin, the Metropolitan City of Turin and the Piedmontese Mobility Agency. The project has also seen the participation of some important regional stakeholders, such as: Politecnico di Torino, University of Turin, Links Foundation, Torino Wireless Foundation, OGR Tech, InfraTO, Torino City Lab, Toolbox Coworking, UltraSpazio and Ithaca.
“There is a strong need for public mobility and the need to make it smart – underlines the regional councilor for Transport, Marco Gabusi – for this reason we have launched this innovative experimentation and we expect the government to open funding for Maas also to the regions.” “Integrated mobility is central to sustainable mobility – adds the municipal councilor to the Ecological and Digital Transition, Chiara Foglietta – and the objective of carbon neutrality that we want to achieve by 2030 strongly depends on transport, so we must offer the possibility of interconnection and intermodality, and experiments like this allow us to make great progress.”
Rhine-Alpine Talks #12: Cross-border cooperation for sustainable transport
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The 12th edition of the Rhine-Alpine Talks will be organised on 3 June 2022, from 11:00-12:30 h and will deal with cross-border cooperation for sustainable transport. Dr. Peter Füglistaler, Director of the Swiss Bundesamt für Verkehr BAV will hold a keynote on the Swiss experience on sustainable cross-alpine transport. Stefanie van den Bogaerde from Tractebel Engineering S.A. will present a policy roadmap improving regional cross-border train transport developed in the STISE ESPON research project. Laure Roux and Benjamin Boyer from the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) will resent the CCNR roadmap for reducing inland navigation emissions. Subsequently, an interactive Q&A session with the speakers will be moderated by Dr. Cecilia Braun, Director of the EGTC. See here the draft programme and register!