Rhine-Alpine News
Construction works -New railway MXP Terminal T2 – Linea del Sempione

Source: Regione Lombardia
Works of a new railway from Terminal T2 Malpensa to Simplon line start on 1 December 2022. This is the second and last phase of the Global project “MXP North Rail Access” to complete rail accessibility to Malpensa Airport. The first phase, T1-T2 rail link, is the rail line between the two terminals of the Airport and the modern station at terminal T2, in operation since 2016. The new railway Terminal T2 MXP – Simplon line (4.6 km of double track to Gallarate station plus 1.1 km of track to Swiss direction) will allow Milano Malpensa Airport to become a key hub of an extended railway network, as gate to the whole of Northern Italy, Switzerland and the rest of Europe. The project has been supported by the European Union as a part of TEN-T network (on CEF Programme) thanks to 63.4 millions € from EU. The total investment is 211,3 millions € (63.4 EU, 55.9 State, 91 Regione Lombardia, 1 SEA SpA). The end of construction will be by December 2024.
The Future of Cross-border Rail

Source: Andy M. on Pixabay
The European Union Agency for Railways organizes a press briefing on “The Future of Cross-border Rail” on Monday 12 December 2022 from 10.00 to 11.30 at the Brussels Press Club, Rue Froissart 95, 1000 Brussels. Despite improved connectivity in terms of infrastructure, many European cross-border points function like a patchwork reflecting different national systems. The technical and operational barriers between countries keep rail from realising its potential. In this context, ERA will present during the press briefing the main findings of the Cross-border Rail Transport Potential Report, as well as targeted recommendations to strengthen rail transport – both for rail freight and passenger transport. Moreover, it will be discussed the potential for time savings at cross-borders by solving technical and operational issues. Source: https://www.era.europa.eu/content/press-briefing-future-cross-border-rail
From China to the Rhine-Alpine Corridor: Future challenges and the impact of emerging trade routes on the RALP Corridor

Rhine-Alpine Talks
The 13th edition of the Rhine-Alpine Talks takes place on 2 December 2022, from 11:00 – 12:00 h. It explores future challenges for the Rhine-Alpine (RALP) Corridor in the face of increasing transport flows and logistics from emerging global trade corridors. These new routes include not only the intercontinental rail freight connections between China, Russia and Europe (Belt and Road Initiative), but also the Middle East and Northeast Europe (International North-South Corridor). Given the increasing global transport flows over the next decades, it is important for EGTC members and relevant stakeholders to establish a sound and fundamental understanding of the impact of new geo-economic trends on regions and cities along the RALP Corridor.
The EGTC has been involved in a 3-year Horizon 2020 project, PLANET, which aims to establish several future scenarios for assessing the expected impact of emerging trade routes on the TEN-T Corridors (https://www.planetproject.eu). The RALP Corridor was selected for one of Living Labs for the PLANET project, looking into the potential impact on the RALP Corridor of handling considerable volumes of goods due to expanding Eurasian rail freight. For the effective impact assessment three simulations (year 2019, 2030 and 2050) are developed in order to highlight the destinations of these flows and terminals facilitating inter-modal connections for first and last mile.
The main goal of this event is to discuss future investment needs along the RALP Corridor and innovative ways of overcoming capacity issues through digitalization and optimisation, which would bring policy implications for TEN-T Corridors.
For an up to date programme and registration, see: https://www.egtc-rhine-alpine.eu/events/rhine-alpine-talks-13/