Rhine-Alpine News
Boost public transport in Germany with €9 a month public transport ticket?
Source: Mario Venzlaff on Pixabay
Because of the high energy prices, the German government agreed on a relief package, which includes the temporary introduction of tickets for nine euros per month in public transport. The so called “9-Euro-Ticket” is valid nationwide on regional trains and in all public transport associations. It does not apply to high speed long distance travel. It is available as of now for three months June, July and August 2022. Besides giving financial relief to consumers facing a cost of living crisis it shall boost public transport use by offering commuters and week-end travelers the chance to check out the benefits of public transport. The 9-Euro-Ticket has caused a real run on the vending sites since its launch on 23 May. In order to be able to meet the expected high demand for the trains, DB will increase the regional transport offer by 250 journeys and 60.000 seats per day from June. However, passengers have to be prepared for numerous construction sites along many routes also in summer. Opponents of the ticket fear crowded trains in summer. They argue, that it could be just a quick populist shot with no lasting effect and it would make more sense to invest the funds in the expansion of public transport. Whereas supporters say that it’s right to relieve people with low incomes with this relief package. Source: https://www.tagesschau.de/
Rhine-Alpine Talks #12: Cross-border cooperation for sustainable transport
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The 12th edition of the Rhine-Alpine Talks will be organised on 3 June 2022, from 11:00-12:30 h and will deal with cross-border cooperation for sustainable transport. Dr. Peter Füglistaler, Director of the Swiss Bundesamt für Verkehr BAV will hold a keynote on the Swiss experience on sustainable cross-alpine transport. Stefanie van den Bogaerde from Tractebel Engineering S.A. will present a policy roadmap improving regional cross-border train transport developed in the STISE ESPON research project. Laure Roux and Benjamin Boyer from the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) will resent the CCNR roadmap for reducing inland navigation emissions. Subsequently, an interactive Q&A session with the speakers will be moderated by Dr. Cecilia Braun, Director of the EGTC. See here the draft programme and register!
Navigating Waterway Innovation, Moving into a New Era of Waterborne Transportation
Source: https://rcphotostock.com – © rcphotostock (5220)
On Thursday the 2nd of June, the Horizon 2020 research project NOVIMOVE – smart & sustainable waterways midterm conference will take place. The meeting will be held at the Wyndham Hotel in Duisburg, starting with a lunch from 12.00h. Subtitled “Moving into a new era of waterborne transportation”, the Horizon 2020 funded NOVIMOVE project team is happy to discuss outcomes on several innovative research tracks within the project. The conference offers the possibility to engage with the team of specialists on topics such as new vessel designs for Rhine fluctuating high/low water conditions, mobile port terminal potential to tackle the congestion issues in deep sea ports, new transport models and two initiatives to improve waterway operations: smart lock scheduling and smart navigation systems. IWT experts, business parties and policy makers are very welcome to further discuss the midterm outcomes and provide the NOVIMOVE team with valuable feedback. The registration link for this unique session is open: www.novimove.eu/duisburg.