Rhine-Alpine News
Masterplan for a new intermodal hub Alessandria
Source: www.portsofgenoa.com
On 20 March 2023, the Protocol for the development of the Masterplan relating to the Alessandria intermodal hub and the Technical and Economic Feasibility Project of the new terminal was signed, which provides for the development and enhancement of the areas included in the Alessandria Smistamento airport. The protocol, lasting 36 months, consists of two phases.
The first phase will end in December 2023 with the delivery by Rete Ferroviaria Italiana of the Technical-Economic Feasibility Project for the new Terminal, to define the costs and timing of future interventions, in line with the development of traffic resulting from the construction of the Third Pass of the Jupiter. Subsequently, by December 2024, the Masterplan will be defined for the creation of an effective, convenient and quality modal interchange hub, capable of managing the flows of the various transport modes in a coordinated and integrated form. The study aims to identify effective solutions for the enhancement of freight traffic in the ports of Savona and Genoa, as well as to regenerate the surrounding areas with marked potential for urban and intermodal development.
Source (in Italian): www.portsofgenoa.com
Commission adopts guidelines to improve vehicle inspections
Source: Picture by allysonmiller1969 on Pixabay
On 20 March 2023, the European Commission published a recommendation to improve the periodical technical inspection of vehicles. With road transport being the largest source of air pollution in cities, accurate testing is key to ensure that vehicles are in line with emission standards throughout their lifetime. Harmonised testing also ensures fair competition amongst manufacturers. As current testing methods are not adapted to more recent vehicles equipped with particle filters, they cannot ensure that vehicles with defective or tampered diesel particulate filters are detected during inspections. Certain Member States have therefore introduced or will soon introduce particle number (PN) measurement as part of their inspections. While those methods are similar, they however differ in certain aspects. To ensure a coordinated approach across the EU, the Commission’s guidelines define requirements related to the PN measuring equipment and procedure, metrological and technical requirements, and recommends a pass/fail limit. The guidelines apply to the periodic technical inspection of vehicles equipped with compression ignition engines, and represent a first step towards harmonised PN measurement during roadworthiness testing. The recommendations are available for download here. Source: https://transport.ec.europa.eu/news/reducing-transport-emissions-commission-adopts-guidelines-improve-vehicle-inspections-2023-03-20_en
North Sea-Baltic, North Sea Mediterranean & Rhine Alpine TEN-T Corridors Joint Working Group
Source: ec.europa.eu
The European Coordinators for the North Sea-Baltic, North Sea-Mediterranean and Rhine-Alpine Corridors, organise a joint event of the three corridors, which will take place in Amsterdam from lunchtime of 11 May to lunchtime on 12 May 2023. The event will be hosted by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of the Netherlands and the Port of Amsterdam. The event of the three corridors should contribute to a better understanding of synergies between transport, energy and digital sectors in line with article 10.1 of the CEF Regulation (EU Regulation 2021/1153). Special attention shall be paid to including regions and countries along each of the corridors involved. Participation of past and potential future promoters of synergetic projects is particularly appreciated. More information is to follow soon.