Rhine-Alpine News
TEN-T Revision – MEPs ready to start talks with Council

Source: European Parliament
On Wednesday, Parliament set its negotiating position on the review of trans-European transport network (TEN-T) rules. This is the EU’s plan to build a network of railways, roads, inland waterways and short sea shipping routes connected through ports and terminals across the European Union. MEPs reaffirm a need to complete major transport infrastructure projects by the end of 2030 on the core TEN-T network, and by the end of 2050 on a comprehensive network focused particularly on eliminating bottlenecks and missing links and better empowering 11 European Coordinators. In the event of a significant delay, MEPs suggest the Commission should immediately launch an infringement procedure and reduce or terminate funding. European Parliament also advocates for unified technical and operational standards for each transport mode and stress that intermodal transport should be primarily done by rail, inland waterways or short-sea shipping, while any initial and/or final legs can be carried out by road. This should translate into fully electrified railways in the core TEN-T network, running with at least of 160 km/h passenger and 100 km/h cargo trains, which could cross internal EU borders in less than 15 minutes by the end of 2030, the draft rules say. Following plenary’s endorsement, the negotiations with the Council on the final form of the legislation may begin immediately. The first round of talks is scheduled to start on 24 April.
Rhine-Meuse Forum on 12 April 2023

Source: Dr. Cecilia Braun, EGTC
The 2nd edition of the „Rhine-Meuse Forum“ was dedicated this year to the European challenges of sustainable and cross-border transport. It took place on Wednesday 12 April 2023, at the Baden-Württemberg representation to the European Union in Brussels. Under the headline „Mobility in Europe: Which solutions to a sustainable and borderless transport?“, four round tables were held, devoted to the major current issues: the future of the car and rail industries, major European transport networks, daily cross-border mobility and innovations. During the lunch break, innovative mobility and transport projects were presented tot he participants.
The round table on “Trans-European Transport Networks: do we have the means to live up to our ambitions?” featured Dominique Riquet MEP, co-rapporteur for the TEN-T revision, Herald Ruijters, Director for Investments, Innovative Sustainable Transport, DG MOVE, European Commission, Anne-Marie Jean, Vice-President of the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg and President of the Port of Strasbourg, Lucia Luijten, Secretary General of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine and Sabine Stock, member of the board of ÖBB Voyageurs.
The „Rhine-Meuse Forum“ is the annual meeting of political, economic and scientific actors from France (Grand Est), Germany (Rhine Valley), Benelux and Switzerland. This event promotes exchanges between Europeans at local, regional, national and European levels. In 2022, the first edition of the forum had been dedicated to the challenges related to the development of hydrogen.
Towards green mobility along the Rhine-Alpine Corridor

Source: Dr. Cecilia Braun, EGTC
The European Mobility Congress of 2023, “The Automotive Week 2023” took place from 16-19 April 2023 in Helmond. The congress offered an exclusive look behind the scenes for future talent, professionals, governments and knowledge institutions dealing with mobility in a zero-emission future. Dr. Cecilia Braun, director of the Rhine-Alpine EGTC gave a keynote titled “Towards green mobility along the Rhine-Alpine Corridor – shaping the mobility transition through cross-border collaboration / or from a local and regional perspective”. She marked what is needed from a spatial perspective to boost the transformation to smart, sustainable and safe mobility in cities and regions along the Rhine Alpine corridor? What are the challenges and opportunities in cross-border cooperation?
Source: https://www.automotiveweek2023.com/high-level-opening-day/