Rhine-Alpine News


TRAN Committee Study: Chinese Investments in European Maritime Infrastructure

Symbolic picture by ShafinProtic on Pixabay

Symbolic picture by ShafinProtic on Pixabay

The Tran Committee has commissioned a study pertaining to Chinese investment in European maritime infrastructure.

A brief non-exhaustive overview of the findings in no particular order:

• According to the analysis, investments in one European maritime infrastructure raise the risks for the entire EU. The risk appears to rise in direct proportion to the size of the investment: the larger a Chinese enterprise’s stake in a European marine infrastructure, the greater the hazards and their implications.

•The danger scenarios envisioned in the study point to a complex environment that is neither ‘business as usual’ nor ‘apocalyptic hyperbole’. Some dangers are likely to necessitate more monitoring and enforcement of current legislation, while others will necessitate moderate reform or coordination between European Institutions and Member States, and still others will necessitate more sophisticated remedies.

• A proposal for a European maritime cabotage law is required. There is already an EU answer for aviation and land, but not for maritime. As a result, EU solutions for air and land provide the foundation for enacting a pan-EU maritime cabotage regulation that might apply to non-EU vessels.

• Data and analysis on Chinese presence in cyber/data management in ports are lacking, as is risk analysis. More research into the hazards of Chinese enterprises’ involvement in cyber and data security in vital infrastructures would provide a solid foundation for informing Member States and developing related policies.

The full study is linked below.



Chinese Investments in European Maritime Infrastructure


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