Rhine-Alpine News
Keeping Ukrainian goods moving: Business Matchmaking Platform
Source: Image by kie-ker from Pixabay
Ukraine is currently storing around 40 million tonnes of grain, and half of that must be exported by the end of July – so 20 million tonnes in less than 3 months. Apart from economic and food security reasons, pressure is mounting to free storage capacity for the coming harvest. The European Commission cannot substitute EU operators or Ukrainian grain-sellers, but it intends to help put the two in touch with each other and design new links between Ukraine’s borders and EU ports. To help finding pragmatic solutions to the export of agricultural produce from Ukraine, the Commission launched a business matchmaking platform bringing together businesses in the EU and Ukraine. Are you looking for ways to support Ukrainian exports? Does your business offer transport or storage solutions? Are you a Ukrainian grain trader and you are looking for a logistics partner to export your products? Register now for the EU-Ukraine Business Matchmaking Platform here: https://eu-ua-solidarity-lanes.seu.b2match.io/signup
Source: https://transport.ec.europa.eu/ukraine/keeping-ukrainian-goods-moving_en
Start of €9 a month ticket as stress test for public transport in Germany
Source: Michael Römer on Pixabay
Train traffic on the Pentecost weekend in Germany was significantly more prone to disruption than usual because of the 9-euro ticket that was introduced by the German government for the months June to August. Due to overload on some lines, passengers were turned away or bicycles were not taken. This meant much stress for railway staff, making thousands of overtime hours necessary at Pentecost alone. The fact that many travelers without rail experience could not find their way on the platforms or in large stations led to increased personnel and time expenditure. The passenger association “Pro Bahn” sees the rail chaos on the Pentecost weekend as confirmation of its critique of the 9-euro ticket. They require more capacity on rail before introducing such offers. The good thing about the 9-euro ticket is that it has brought local public transport back into the conversation, they say. Source: https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/neun-euro-ticket-129.html
Rhine-Alpine Talks #12: Cross-border cooperation for sustainable transport
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The 12th edition of the Rhine-Alpine Talks took place on 3 June 2022, from 11:00-12:30 h and dealt with cross-border cooperation for sustainable transport. Dr. Peter Füglistaler, Director of the Swiss Bundesamt für Verkehr BAV held a keynote on the Swiss experience on sustainable cross-alpine transport. Stefanie van den Bogaerde from Tractebel Engineering S.A. presented a policy roadmap improving regional cross-border train transport developed in the STISE ESPON research project. Laure Roux and Benjamin Boyer from the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) presented the CCNR roadmap for reducing inland navigation emissions. Subsequently, an interactive Q&A session with the speakers was moderated by Dr. Cecilia Braun, Director of the EGTC. See the programme and the presentation slides for download here: https://www.egtc-rhine-alpine.eu/events/rhine-alpine-talks-12-2/