Rhine-Alpine News


Pricing instruments on transport emissions

Source: Screenshot research4committees.blog

Source: Screenshot research4committees.blog

On 31 January 2023, presentation of the study “Pricing instruments on transport emissions” to the TRAN committee took place. It focused on the following topics:

  • The state of play of transport taxes, and how these are widely but differently applied in the EU.
  • How the internalisation of external and infrastructure costs is currently applied and the extent by which the “Polluter-pays and users-pays” principles are met.
  • The EU legislative framework on pricing instruments including the proposed revision of the Energy Taxation Directive and the extension of EU ETS to road transport.
  • The impact of pricing instruments on CO2 emission reduction, tax revenues, transport taxes, and in terms of distributive effects.

The presentation was followed by questions from the TRAN committee Members and a stimulating debate. It can be downloaded here: https://research4committees.blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/CE-Delft_Pricing-instruments-on-transport-emissions.ppt. Source: https://bit.ly/40wEKWg

ERFA Press Release – Supporting Single Wagon Traffic without Distorting Competition

Source: By Hebi B. on Pixabay

Source: By Hebi B. on Pixabay

On 7 February, the European rail Freight Association ERFA has published its press release on Supporting Single Wagon Traffic without Distorting Competition. At European and national levels, discussions are ongoing on the development of financing systems to support single wagon traffic. ERFA recognizes that financial support for single wagon traffic can play an important role in achieving the modal shift targets set out in the European Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, but such aid must focus on last mile services and not distort competition with other rail freight services, they say. The full press release is available here: https://erfarail.eu/uploads/Press%20Release%20-%20Supporting%20Single%20Wagon%20Traffic%20without%20Distorting%20Competition-1675772810.pdf

Lombardy Region participates in the European project “H2MA – green hydrogen mobility for alpine region transportation”

Source: Roman on Pixabay

Source: Roman on Pixabay

With the resolution of the Regional Council n. 7853 of 31 January 2023, the Lombardy Region approved the regional participation in the European project “H2MA – Green Hydrogen Mobility for Alpine Region Transportation”. The project brings together 11 partners from Alpine Space with the aim of coordinating and accelerating the development of an international infrastructure for the distribution of green hydrogen in the sector of mobility and transport. Through the shared development of a cooperation mechanism, strategies, tools and resources, H2MA will increase the capacity of public authorities and stakeholders to overcome existing barriers, cooperatively plan and carry out pilot tests, in order to create transalpine routes for fuel-powered vehicles zero emission hydrogen. Furthermore, through the project, Lombardy will evaluate the contextual and preliminary elements for the development of its own growth strategy for the hydrogen vector. Source: https://www.regione.lombardia.it/wps/portal/istituzionale/HP/DettaglioAvviso/servizi-e-informazioni/enti-e-operatori/ambiente-ed-energia/energia/fonti-rinnovabili/regione-aderisce-al-progetto-h2ma/regione-aderisce-al-progetto-h2ma


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