Rhine-Alpine News
EGTC Starting Into a New Phase in 2022
Change of Director: Farewell Jörg Saalbach…
For almost seven years Jörg Saalbach has been Director of the EGTC. Since the founding in 2015, Jörg Saalbach led the EGTC and succeeded in developing this unique organisation into to a well-recognized and approved stakeholder in the Rhine-Alpine Corridor.
Jörg Saalbach was committed to the Rhine-Alpine Corridor already during the parent project CODE24 in 2008, where the founding of the EGTC as a permanent structure was prepared.
One of his ambitions was to extend the number of members in order to achieve a broader basis and geographical representation in the Rhine-Alpine Corridor. Thus, the number of members grew from 10 founding members to 26 members today, covering all six Rhine-Alpine Corridor countries.
Furthermore, the young Alliance successfully participated in numerous projects, all of them meant to gradually achieve the goals defined in the Joint Strategy of the EGTC.
Now, the era of Jörg Saalbach as the first EGTC director ends with his retirement.

Jörg Saalbach and Dr. Cecilia Braun
….and Welcome Cecilia Braun!
The Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC has been looking for a dynamic person to continue its successful cooperation with fresh ideas and a strong vision for the future development of the Corridor. The EGTC Assembly formally appointed Dr. Cecilia Braun as its new director and to take over this position as of 1 January 2022. Holding a PhD in spatial planning, Ms. Braun provides professional experience both as an employee in the public sector and as a consultant. She is committed to steer the EGTC for the coming years.
EGTC Office Service Assigned
The EGTC has also completed an EU-wide tender procedure, in order to assign a company for the supporting services in the EGTC Office, as the current contract expires at the end of the year 2021. The evaluation of the offers has produced a clear result: Consultancy environment and technology has submitted the best bid and thus received the award for the contract.
This means that the EGTC will be able to continue to work with Dr. Thomas Ertel and Udval Hatanbaatar for the next years.

The year 2022 will hence start with a change in the management structure of the EGTC, but with the new team the EGTC will be able to continue its successful development with fresh ideas and a stable fundament. Thus, everything is provided for a smooth transition to the new director and a prosperous future for the EGTC!