Rhine-Alpine News
EU will put a record €7 billion into smart, safe, and environmentally friendly transport systems
Symbolic picture by Dimitrisvetsikas1969 on Pixabay
The EU will support the goals of the European Green Deal and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy by giving more than 7 billion euros to 134 projects that will help build a network of sustainable, smart, eco-friendly, and adaptable transport infrastructure. These projects were chosen from a call for bids from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) in 2023. The European Union’s CEF program helps pay for infrastructure in Europe’s transportation systems.
As part of the TEN-T core network, major cross-border rail links will be supported. These include Rail Baltica, the Lyon-Turin line (which connects France and Italy), and the Fehmarnbelt tunnel (which connects Denmark and Germany). Also, places of entry and exit between Ukraine and Moldova and EU countries (Romania, Hungary, and Poland) will be made better so that Ukrainian goods can move more easily between the two. To make rail travel safer and easier for trains to talk to each other, the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) will be put on many trains and rail tracks across the EU.
About 20 ports in Ireland, Spain, Finland, the Netherlands, Germany, Malta, Lithuania, Cyprus, Greece, and Poland will be improved. These changes will let the ports provide electricity to ships from shore and transport green energy to ships at sea.
Cross-border links will be made between France and Belgium in the Seine-Scheldt basin and between Romania and Bulgaria on the Danube thanks to improvements to inland waterways. Land ports in Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands will also get help so they can keep encouraging people to switch to using the European network of rivers and canals.
Read more on the European Commission’s Website:
Result Pack: 10 Projects and their results to combat climate change
Symbolic picture by Steve Johnson on Unsplash
In line with its promise to take action on climate change as part of the Paris Agreement, the EU wants to become climate neutral by 2050. This Result Pack is all about 10 Horizon 2020 projects supported by the EU that are building cutting edge knowledge that is paving the way for an economy and society that are not affected by climate change.
This current Results Pack shows many different areas that help the low-carbon shift in the main areas that cause greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the EU and around the world. To reach the goals of the Paris Agreement, this study looks into the technical viability, financial viability, social acceptability, and possible co-benefits and trade-offs of low carbon transition paths.
The 10 projects in this Pack give lawmakers at the national and EU levels suggestions on how to cut greenhouse gas emissions by a large amount over the next few decades. Their findings will help us learn more about whether changing the environment is possible and what effects it would have on society and the economy. They will also help stop the worst effects of climate change, improve health and energy security, make green products more competitive, and keep Europe at the top of the fight against climate change.
The results of the projects can be accessed on the website below.