Rhine-Alpine News


Moonlight Express Brussels – Berlin

The list of night train projects affecting the Rhine-Alpine corridor is growing. Besides the train Brussels-Amsterdam-Berlin-Prague (featured last week), the start-up “Moonlight Express” has announced a through overnight service Brussels – Liège – Berlin, to start from April 2022.

Regional workshop for multimodality

In the name of the EGTC Rhine-Alpine, the town of Lahr, the Chamber of Commerce Südlicher Oberrhein and the Regionalverband Südlicher Oberrhein invite you to the online workshop „Förderung multimodaler Güterverkehre entlang des Oberrheins als Kernbereich des Rhein-Alpen-Korridors“ on 22 April, 14:00 – 16:00. This workshop is held in German language and especially targets the regional logistics operators and logistics industry. Find the program here and register here for individual, non-transferable links.


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