Rhine-Alpine News


Lauterbourg Port with regular container services

Lauterbourg terminal. © Haeger & Schmidt

Lauterbourg terminal. © Haeger & Schmidt

A new container service on the Rhine connects the ports of Lauterbourg and Antwerp twice weekly. The Alsatian port of Lauterbourg is located north of Strasbourg and immediately south of the German border. It operates in close cooperation with Strasbourg port. Read the details here (external link).

Basel museum for navigation reopened

Paddle steamer in Basel (1832)

Paddle steamer in Basel (1832)

The town of Basel has since old age been a transfer point between inland navigation and hinterland transport. The Swiss museum of water transport “Verkehrsdrehscheibe Schweiz” covers all main aspects of ancient and contemporary inland navigation, especially along the Rhine. Visitors can experience navigation first hand in the museum’s simulator.

After a hiatus related to Covid-19, the museum has reopened for the summer. It is located next to the Basel port and is open Friday to Sunday. More on the museum and on inland navigation here (external link).

Gotthard base tunnel evacuated

Tunnel evacuation. Symbolic photo, © SBB CFF FFS

Tunnel evacuation. Symbolic photo, © SBB CFF FFS

Earlier this summer, a passenger train stalled in the Gotthard base tunnel due to engine failure and, according to Swiss news outlets, had to be evacuated. In the tunnel, the tracks for each direction run in separate tubes and are equipped with through platforms. Passengers could thus leave the train and walk into the other tube via a short connection. A regular train, held in reserve for such incidents, then picked them up. The whole evacuation went according to the rescue plan.


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