Rhine-Alpine News
Transport MEPs advance work on new trans-European projects rules

Source: European Parliament
On 8 December 2022, MEPs on the Transport and Tourism committee discussed the suggestions on how to improve new EU rules on trans-European transport network in order to speed-up its completion. Transport MEPs engaged in a first debate on more than 1 900 amendments tabled for the draft report on the guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T). This draft welcomes the revision of TEN-T rules, in force since 2013, and suggests to strengthen EU’s ambition to provide citizens and businesses with more sustainable, affordable and efficient transport links by 2030. The rapporteurs advocate for unified technical and operational standards for each transport mode, while at the same time suggest limiting exemptions from those standards. More emphasize is also laid on the maintenance aspect of existing infrastructure. In order to ensure a timely deployment of the infrastructure projects, they want better national transport plans’ alignment with the European priorities and reinforced TEN-T projects governance. In addition, new rules should be future-proof, the draft report says. Therefore, the rapporteurs suggest strengthening the transport infrastructure security, resilience and autonomy. Following the Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, the rapporteurs also support the review of cooperation with third countries, by cutting transport infrastructure development ties with Russia and Belarus and enhancing partnership with Ukraine and Moldova. Following the debate transport MEPs will engage in further talks in order to prepare Parliament’s position to be voted early next year.
Event: The future of logistics data exchange and services

Source: Regione Lombardia
On 8 February 2023, FENIX will host public authorities, institutional representatives and business representatives at P&G’s InQbet Campus in Grimbergen, near Brussels, at an open-doors event before the project finishes its four-year journey at the end of the month. The FENIX consortium will use the opportunity to showcase the project’s results and achievements at their eleven pilot sites.
FENIX is a flagship project whose relevance and achievements cannot be overstated. It contributes directly to the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility goals through interoperability and standardisation of data sharing tools, and responding to the constraints of the current global supply chains through enhanced and standardised data sharing instruments. The project’s features were tested in eleven pilot sites, which are integrated in nine European TEN-T corridors. The results obtained will help the European logistics community to enhance the use of digital solutions at the disposal of logistics actors in various scenarios, thus improving the whole supply chain’s functioning.
The final event venue has the capacity to host a large number of attendees. The event is open to interested parties, involved to different degrees in the definition of the future of the European logistics sector. The draft agenda of the event is available and is expected to attract the attention of many different stakeholders. For more information and registration see: https://fenix-network.eu/fenix-final-public-event-on-8th-february-2023/