Rhine-Alpine News


Italy has officially taken over the Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region

Source: EUSALP EU Strategy for the Alpine Region

Source: EUSALP EU Strategy for the Alpine Region

On 26 January, Italy officially took over the Presidency of EUSALP on for the year 2022. The Italian EUSALP Presidency 2022 is inspired by the ambition of making the EUSALP region the first European carbon-neutral macro region in line with the EU Climate Action and the European Green Deal promoting the roll-out of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures. Seven areas of action shall build the basis for the programme of the current presidency – among others promoting energy efficiency and the energy transition and advancing the cooperation on natural risk management and spatial planning. More detailed information is available on the EUSALP website: https://www.alpine-region.eu/eusalp-italian-presidency-2022

PLANET Project – Official Video Presentation

Check out the new introduction video of the H2020 project Progress towards Federated Logistics through the Integration of TEN-T into A Global Trade Network!

Interreg North-West Europe: First call for proposals

Interreg North-West Europe, 1st Call

Interreg North-West Europe, 1st Call

The Interreg North-West Europe programme will open its first call for proposals on 22 March and close it on 15 June 2022. The Programme which has to be adopted by the European Commission yet, is available as a draft under https://www.nweurope.eu/media/15381/nwe-ip_version-271021.pdf and is announced to be updated by mid-February. The first call foresees a 2-step application procedure. Call support documents are available here: https://www.nweurope.eu/future-nwe-programme/call-1-support-documents/. Among others, project proposals on the specific objective of Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions – also in transport and mobility sector including inland waterways – can be submitted. See call specifications here: https://www.nweurope.eu/news-events/latest-news/interreg-nwe-2021-2027-call-1/


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