Rhine-Alpine News


Sustainable Circular Economy Handbook released

Symbolic picture by Hermann on Pixabay

Symbolic picture by Hermann on Pixabay

The ground-breaking manual “The Routledge Handbook of Catalysts for a Sustainable Circular Economy” paves the road for a faster transition to a sustainable circular economy by proposing the notion of catalysts as a positive and improving driving force for sustainability.

Catalysts establish and maintain favourable circumstances for complex systemic sustainability transition changes, and a debate and knowledge of catalysts is essential to transition from a linear economy to a sustainable and circular economy. A catalyst is an emerging method that can help to accelerate CE transformations. Change-instigating, facilitating, and materialising transition processes while generating impetus for sustainable CE are all elements, mechanisms, and factors that can be classified as catalysts. Catalysts begin, generate, and sustain favourable conditions for complex systemic change in the transition to sustainability.

This volume, which includes contributions from leading experts from around the world, presents theoretical insights, contextualised case studies, and participatory methodologies that identify various catalysts such as technology, innovation, business models, management and organisation, regulation, sustainability policy, product design, and culture.

The authors then demonstrate how these drivers promote sustainable transformations. As a unique service to the reader, the book pulls together public policy and private sector viewpoints to address the circular economy as a systemic shift.

The entire 643 page book can be downloaded free of charge from the link below under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.





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