Rhine-Alpine News


Study on Digitalisation in Logistics

Source: Symbolic picture by DmitrySteshenko on Pixabay

Source: Symbolic picture by DmitrySteshenko on Pixabay

This study by Prof. Johannes Kern of Dual University Baden-Württemberg Lörrach gives an overview and summary of studies on the state of digitalization in Logistics infrastructure (Seaports, Airports, Warehousing), Logistics execution (Road transport, Sea transport, Air transport and Courier, Express and Parcel delivery), and logistics services and advisory.

The digital transformation of seaports and airports is taking longer than in other areas of logistics, where only 3% of container terminals are (semi-)automated.

Meanwhile, approximately 30%-40% of warehouses use some form of Industry 4.0 technology, such as sensors, robotics and automation, or predictive analytics.

In the road freight industry, 35-40% of enterprises used transportation management systems and other technologies to improve operations. Shipping businesses are carefully embracing the digital shift in sea freight, therefore few carriers use innovative means to engage with their clients, such as marketplaces. In air fright, carrier connection lags even behind maritime carriers, as corporations struggle to integrate digital solutions that do not instantly result in cost savings. Various technologies for courier, express, and parcel delivery are already established and available, but are still in the early stages of implementation.

A link to the full study below.


Researchgate – The Digital Transformation of Logistics: A Review About Technologies and Their Implementation Status

Gateway Basel Nord receives approval after 7 years of proceedings

Source: Symbolic picture by Hans on Pixabay

Source: Symbolic picture by Hans on Pixabay

The first phase of development for Switzerland’s huge trimodal port, Gateway Basel Nord, has been approved. It will be able to serve both road transport and inland shipping operations.
The Federal Office of Transport (BAV) announced this after seven years of deliberation. According to reports, this is a critical milestone for the massive project. It signifies that all of the project’s requirements from the competent cantonal authorities and the federal government have been met. The decision emphasizes the GBN’s significance for logistics throughout Switzerland, as well as the stated goal of shifting cargo from road to rail.
The trimodal Gateway Basel Nord is located on the international freight routes and will bundle the combined traffic flows from the Swiss import and export business.




German Federal government launches start-up financing for heavy freight transporters

Source: Symbolic picture by Falco on Pixabay

Source: Symbolic picture by Falco on Pixabay

The stated funds for the start-up financing of large and heavy freight transporters (GST) on waterways are now available.
The related directive has now been published in the Federal Gazette by the Federal Ministry of Transport (BMDV). The General Directorate for Waterways and Shipping (GDWS) in Bonn is the competent granting body. Grants are accessible through June 2024, with a total of €2 million available, as previously stated.
The goal is to establish and promote regular scheduled services on federal waterways.
Simultaneously, it is planned to simplify GST planning, make  the canal more accessible for producers and forwarders, and offer an environmentally friendly alternative to road transit.

Source(In German):




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