Rhine-Alpine News


RH2INE Conference 2022

Source: Provincie Zuid-Holland

Source: Provincie Zuid-Holland

The RH2INE Conference 2022 took place on Friday 30 September 2022 in Duisburg, Germany. The conference was aimed at network bonding and building, knowledge development, knowledge sharing, aligning work processes and projects, serving as a platform and giving energy and inspiration. The Conference brought concrete results, attendance, and most of all enthusiasm and was able to host likeminded potential partners, and facilitate the next steps in achieving a hydrogen ecosystem for inland shipping along the main transport corridors in the coming years. In the workshops in the morning concrete ambitions and needs were formulated, from the perspective of the shipping companies, the ports, the suppliers and the regions. The outcome has been presented during the plenary session in the form of the RH2INE Statements 2022. Concrete project proposals like Condor, a project for inland shipping powered by hydrogen supported by the Province of Zuid Holland, were presented in the morning session. The challenge will now be to follow up in a coordinated way and work towards the next milestones. The RH2INE network can play an important role in bringing together the necessary ingredients for scale up that are needed, for example on the issue of standardization. In the AFTERMOVIE, you can will find an impression of the day and recognize some of the challenges and the needs of the partners involved.

For further information see: https://www.rh2ine.eu/rh2ine-conferentie-2022-duisburg/

Opening Innovation Hub Supply Chain Valley

Source: https://corporate.vidaxl.com/nl/supply-chain-valley-nieuwe-innovatiehub-in-venlo/

Source: https://corporate.vidaxl.com/nl/supply-chain-valley-nieuwe-innovatiehub-in-venlo/

Last Wednesday, the official opening of our new Innovation Hub Supply Chain Valley took place. Supply Chain Valley is an innovation hub in Venlo where companies, knowledge centers and the government can work closely together. The goal is to achieve tangible results in the areas of sustainability, end-to-end digital supply chain, sharing economy, workforce of the future and warehouse of the future.

See more: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/supply-chain-valley_opening-innovation-hub-supply-chain-valley-activity-6988101242879102977-eTEO?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

CESNI meeting on 13 October 2022

Source: Tim Bastian on Pixabay

Source: Tim Bastian on Pixabay

The European Committee for drawing up Standards in the field of Inland Navigation (CESNI) met on 13 October 2022, in Strasbourg (France). Mrs Marleen Coenen, representing Belgium, chaired the meeting. The CESNI adopted new editions of the standards relating to technical requirements for vessels (ES-TRIN) and to river information services (ES-RIS), as well as the guidelines for the installation of an inland AIS station. For detailed information see: https://www.cesni.eu/en/actualites/cesni-meeting-on-13-october-2022/


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