Rhine-Alpine News


Switzerland invests in French and Italian rail infrastructure

Source: Image by James Timothy Peters from Pixabay

Source: Image by James Timothy Peters from Pixabay

Switzerland aims to extend its infrastructure investments in France and Italy, targeting rail lines and terminals. In France, it is working with the government to define the size and type of investment on the Wörth-Strasbourg line. As for Italy, the Swiss look at co-financing the extension of the Lötschberg-Simplon line and the construction of the new Milano Smistamento terminal. See full article here: https://www.railfreight.com/intermodal/2022/05/13/switzerland-invests-in-french-and-italian-infrastructure-its-our-duty/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Newsletter%20week%202022-19

CEF Transport: EUR 330 million of CEF funding available to adapt the Trans-European Transport network for dual civilian and defence use

Source: CINEA

Source: CINEA

CINEA has launched a call for proposals under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport programme, making EUR 330 million available from the military mobility envelope. This call aims to co-fund projects that address both civilian and defence needs in view to adapt transport infrastructure to a civilian and defence dual use. The call is in line with the Action Plan on Military Mobility and aims at adjusting sections of the TEN-T network to the technical requirements on dimensions and capacity to address both civilian and defence needs. The call for proposals under the Military Mobility envelope supports projects concerning studies, works or mixed projects (covering both studies and works) for all transport modes. Proposals can be submitted before the call deadline on 29 September 2022. Source: https://cinea.ec.europa.eu/news-events/news/cef-transport-eur-330-million-cef-funding-available-adapt-trans-european-transport-network-dual-2022-05-12_en

Research for TRAN Committee: Pricing instruments on road transport emissions

Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay

TRAN Committee has published a briefing providing an overview of pricing instruments on road transport CO2 emissions. It presents the current use of these instruments in the EU, the main EU legal framework in this field including the expected developments, and the impacts these instruments may have on the road transport sector and society in general. The research revealed that pricing instruments on road transport CO2 emissions are widely applied in Europe, although there are significant differences between Member States, e.g. in the level by which their road transport sectors meet the ‘polluter-pays’ and ‘user-pays’ principles. The European Commission has presented proposals to incentivise the pricing of CO2 emissions of road transport by introducing emission trading for this sector as well as by revising the Energy Taxation Directive. One of the aims of the latter is to incentivise the uptake of low-carbon energy carriers by the transport sector. The survey concluded that pricing instruments (particularly emission trading and fuel taxes) are effective in reducing CO2 emissions in the road transport sector. They may, however, also have significant distributional impacts, which should be carefully considered in order to gain social acceptance for this type of instruments. See full publication here: https://research4committees.blog/2022/05/11/pricing-instruments-on-transport-emissions/


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