17.09.2021 11:00 - 12:30
Rhine-Alpine Talks #10
EGTC and other Governance Models for Transport Corridors And Larger Cooperation Areas
EGTC and other Governance Models for Transport Corridors And Larger Cooperation Areas

The 10th Rhine-Alpine Talks took up the issue of governance models for functional areas such as European transport corridors. The Talks on 17 September 2021, 11:00-12:30 h presented experiences from different cooperation structures – EGTC’s and other cooperation forms. The governance of cooperation structures is of crucial significance for its success and each cooperation structure needs to find its appropriate way for its organisation.
Pavel Branda, Chair of the CBC Intergroup at the Committee of the Regions highlighted insights and recommendations about successful EGTCs facilitating cooperation.
Reports from other cooperation areas from across Europe completed practical experiences with their governance models:
Jörg Saalbach, Director of the Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor gave an overview of teh planning and founding process of the EGTC and an evaluation of the first 6 years of its operation. He stated that he is ready to roll out the positive experience with establishing and running an EGTC for other cooperation entities who are thinking of establishing an EGTC. Especially for the other 8 Core Network Corridors it might be interesting to consider such a step, he said.
Dr. Jürgen Neumüller from the Joint Spatial Planning Department Berlin – Brandenburg presented the organisation of the Scandria®Alliance promoting territorial cooperation from Scandinavia to the Adriatic Sea. Scandria®Alliance is currently opreating on the basis of an agreement between its members.
Mathias Lindström, Director of the Kvarken Council EGTC introduced its activities aiming at further strengthening the cross-border regional development in Northern Europe. Kvarken Council will be in operation since already 50 years in 2022! The members have decided to further strenghten the cooperation by founding an EGTC in 2019. the presentation is available online here: https://app.seidat.com/presentation/shared/8omyKestZEWkstuYF/0/0
Annika Hummel, General Manager of the Main Line for Europe presented the structure of this initiative on connecting Paris to Budapest/Bratislava. Also the Main Line initiative is already « old » as it is in place since 30 years. The members of the initiative have decided to keep the current organisational form as « Verein » for the time being.