23.06.2023 11 am - 12:30 pm
Rhine-Alpine Talks #14
Synchromodal and dynamic management of TEN-T & intercontinental flows
Synchromodal and dynamic management of TEN-T & intercontinental flows

The 14th edition of the Rhine-Alpine Talk presents key results of a 3-year Horizon 2020 project, PLANET, which addresses the challenges of assessing the impact of emerging global trade corridors on the TEN-T network and ensuring effective integration to the Global Network (https://www.planetproject.eu). EU has been playing a leading role in further advancing global transport flows and logistics and in understanding the impact of the TENT-T network of global transport and geo-economic trends. To this end, PLANET established several future scenarios for assessing the expected impact of emerging trade routes on the TEN-T Corridors using three Living Labs.
PLANET aims at the realisation of EGTN (Integrated Green EU-Global Transport and Logistics Network) by delivering an active blueprint, providing guidance and building public and private actor capacity. Living Lab 2 (LL2) focuses on dynamic and synchromodal management of TEN-T & intercontinental flows and utilising the Port of Rotterdam (PoR) as the principal smart EGTN Node in the rail focused transport chains linking China and Europe, and through Rotterdam to/from USA, and the Rhine-Alpine Corridor destinations. The EU-China rail connection has been experiencing strong growth in recent years, yet the long-term economic viability and competitive neutrality of this rail connection needs to be addressed. Also, the route’s competitive position vis-à-vis other modes is subject for analysis, which should involve the rapid expansion of intra Eurasian rail connections and rail freight services, especially between China, Russia and Central Asian countries.
Living Lab 2 examined optimal integration of the TEN-T network into global and upcoming trade networks with reference to the Rhine-Alpine Corridor. An essential focus is the role of innovative technologies. Presenters at the Rhine-Alpine Talk will answer the question: what can state-of-the-art innovations for customs and intercontinental rail freight deliver?
Moderator/Coordinator: Dr. Noriko Otsuka, PLANET project officer
- Welcome, Dr. Cecilia Braun, Director, Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC
- Introduction PLANET, Chris Wensink, Panteia
- Integration of intercontinental rail freight in the TEN-T network: the local and regional case, Ivo Hindriks, Panteia
- Blockchain solution for customs becomes reality, Aljosja Beije, Docklab
- Platform for document management and collaboration in the intercontinental rail freight, including demo, Eric Feyen, UIRR and Aljosja Beije, Docklab
- Q&A
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