Rhine-Alpine News


Gotthard Autobahn tunnel: Second tube under construction

The Gotthard axis is crucial for Alpine transport. Photo: Martin Brandt

The Gotthard axis is crucial for Alpine transport. Photo: Martin Brandt

In 2021, construction work has started on the second tunnel tube of the Gotthard Autobahn. This was possible despite a constitutional Swiss law prohibiting the extension of trans-alpine road capacities: The existing Gotthard tunnel will soon need intense repair after decades of use. Thus, the new tunnel will first take over both lanes and the whole traffic, avoiding a lengthy closure of the line. After finalization of repairs, each tunnel will operate with just a single lane for one direction, greatly increasing safety. Find the news here (external link).

Progress on line between Karlsruhe and Basel

The railway link along the upper Rhine valley is central to the Rhine-Alpine corridor and to rail transport across Europe. The recent newsletter of Deutsche Bahn’s Karlsruhe-Basel project lists progress along the route, which is bound for expansion to four tracks.

The newsletter can be downloaded here (external link). It is issued four times per year and open to subscription.

Duisburg: Climate neutral terminal with hydrogen technology

Duisport: Proposed terminal

Duisport: Proposed terminal

Not only is the largest container terminal in the European hinterland being built in the Port of Duisburg – it is also the first terminal with completely climate-neutral operations using hydrogen, intelligent networking, and the ability to supply neighboring districts with energy. On the site of the former Coal Island, duisport will construct the trimodal Duisburg Gateway Terminal (DGT) by 2023 together with its international partners Cosco Shipping Logistics, Hupac SA, and the HTS Group. Read the news here (external link)


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