Rhine-Alpine News


Tracking the EU Commissioners’ commitments – ADINA-IOANA VĂLEAN, Commissioner – Transport

Adina Vălean, Photographer: Etienne Maury, © European Union, 2022

Adina Vălean, Photographer: Etienne Maury, © European Union, 2022

The Research4 Committees – Research for AGRI, CULT, PECH, REGI & TRAN Committees of the European Parliament – has issued a compilation of briefings that track the commitments made by the Vice-Presidents and Commissioners to the European Parliament – in their written answers to Parliament’s questions, at their hearings, and, in some cases, in subsequent appearances before Parliament’s committees. The document provides an overview of the state-of-play at the mid-term of the von der Leyen Commission. Since many of these commitments were made, major international crises have shifted some political priorities. The Vice-Presidents’ and Commissioners’ progress on their commitments should be considered in this context. Part of the briefing tracking commitments by ADINA-IOANA VĂLEAN, the EU Transport Commissioner, is available here: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2022/699627/IPOL_BRI(2022)699627_EN.pdf

Focus on Urban Mobility: Annual POLIS Conference 2022

Source: https://www.polisnetwork.eu/2022-annual-polis-conference/

Source: https://www.polisnetwork.eu/2022-annual-polis-conference/

The Annual POLIS Conference 2022 will take place on 30 November and 1 December in Brussels, Belgium. It provides an opportunity for cities and regions to showcase their transport achievements to a large audience of mobility experts, practitioners and decision-makers. The Conference will offer a mix of 32 parallel sessions, 8 deep-dive panels, and 2 plenaries focused on some of the hottest topics that are high on the mobility agenda of cities and regions. While the plenaries will be live-streamed, the Conference will be an in-person event.

For the conference programme and registration see: https://www.polisnetwork.eu/2022-annual-polis-conference/

Busy Autumn Season: The Intelligent Rail Summit 2022

Source: https://events.railtech.com/intelligent-rail-summit-2022/  

Source: https://events.railtech.com/intelligent-rail-summit-2022/  

Asset management, predictive maintenance and improving operations all rely on data. An increasing number of stakeholders have the means to analyse and process this data. But what are some of the strategies for turning this data into crucial information? What does that mean for the monitoring of rail infrastructure? And what do insights from data mean in the context of infrastructure condition and maintenance? These and other questions regarding Wayside Train Monitoring Systems (WTMS) and asset management will be answered during the next edition of the Intelligent Rail Summit, which will take place on 16-17 November in Konstanz, Germany. Intelligent Rail Summit 2022 brings together various stakeholders from the railway industry to learn and share their knowledge as well as to meet other professionals and expand their network.

For the programme and registration see: https://events.railtech.com/intelligent-rail-summit-2022/


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