Rhine-Alpine News


CCNR Releases Annual Inland Navigation Report

Symbolic picture by Tama66 on Pixabay

Symbolic picture by Tama66 on Pixabay

The Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) released its inland navigation report for the year 2022.

This year’s edition examines macroeconomic conditions, national investments in inland waterway transport infrastructure, IWT in ports, operating conditions related to water levels and freight rates, commodity prices, employment, passenger transport, trend developments related to goods segments and river basins, inland vessel fleet, , and an outlook of the major inland navigation market segments.

In terms of Rhine transport, not only were cargo volumes transported on the traditional Rhine (from Basel to the German-Dutch border) examined, but also volumes transported in the lower Rhine delta in the Netherlands for the first time. This was made feasible thanks to the Rijkswaterstaat’s assistance. As a result, from now on, annual reports will include a full examination of Rhine transit volumes from Basel to the North Sea. This allows for a more complete study to be made per Rhine stretch, as well as a better understanding of the dynamics of goods transport per product category along the Rhine. We are grateful for this new collaboration, which will only strengthen the quality of our reports in the coming years.

The full report is linked below.





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